Before You Decide On Invisalign: Things To Know

Before you decide on Invisalign, things to know when you’re looking for a way to improve your smile so that your teeth are perfectly aligned? Many patients dislike the thought of metal braces as they can be uncomfortable. They are also very noticeable which may...

Children’s Dentistry is Now as Cool as Children’s Fashion

The dental industry has invested some of the large amounts of money they make from you and me in presenting themselves in a new light. Understandably, they have looked at the unpalatable parts of their profession and attempted to neutralise these in the eyes of the...

Choosing the Best Modibodi Underwear For You!

Choosing the Best Modibodi Period & Incontinence Underwear For You! “Which style of Modibodi’s would be right for me?” is a question we find a lot of you asking! We know that all bodi’s are  different, especially when it comes to your flow, fit and what you use...

Imperfect Beauties: How Modelling Has Changed for The Better

It is proven and tested that when we meet a person for the first time, most people’s first impression is about the looks. Personality, brain, and the character of the individual will just come next. Oftentimes, the face is the key to gauge someone’s appearance. So how...

Kitchen Fashions In 2017: Never Go All White!

I suspect those homeowners who choose to have their kitchens decorated all white, don’t actually do much cooking in them. There are many folks who are more concerned with living in a display facility than a real home. The uber, all white, kitchen is a prime example of...